It’s finally starting to feel like fall in Florida. And by that, I mean temperatures are in the 80’s instead of the 90’s! Regardless, it’s a small win as I am currently 9 months pregnant and heat does NOT make me happy.
Baby is due in October, and as his due date approaches we talk more and more to our two-year-old about what to expect with a new baby in the house. She knows that there is a baby in Mommy’s belly, and proudly states that she’s going to be a big sister. There is still some confusion in her eyes though, who knows how much a two-year-old really comprehends? I must admit I too get a little confused about how a tiny person is swimming around inside of me.

I recently bought some new big sister books for Ava to help clear away any confusion and want to review my favorite picks here. These books are great for explaining the concept of a new baby, what changes will happen, and what it means to be a big sister. Gaining a new sibling is a huge life-changer for the whole family, and I hope to make this transition as easy as possible for all of us.
THe Best Books for a New Big Sister
I’m a Big Sister
I’m a Big Sister by Joanna Cole. This bestselling book was first published in 1997 and is perfect for younger children with lots of pictures and simple text explaining what being a big sister is all about.
Little Miss, Big Sis
Little Miss, Big Sis by Amy Krause Rosenthal. This book is about a young girl becoming a big sister and her new role in the family. It’s a favorite because it presents becoming a sibling in a very positive manner.
All About Babies Series
All About Babies series by Polly Zielonka. We read the first book in the series (Big Sister Learns All About Babies: Itty Bitty Newborn) which covers baby from ages 0-3 months. The book is about Claire and her new baby brother and how she can play, sing, and interact with him. I love books like this that give the child an understanding of what a baby is like. The series has two other books with a fourth on the way that covers different ages and stages of a baby.
Lola Reads to Leo
Lola Reads to Leo by Anna McQuinn. This is a very sweet and well-written baby book that follows new big sister Lola preparing for baby, going to the hospital, and what happens when a new baby comes home. I like that the Lola book series has an emphasis on reading. Lola loves to read books about new babies, and chooses books she will read to the baby as well!
Everywhere Babies
Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers. A simple book with pretty language perfect for toddlers that explains what babies are, how they act, and what they like.
Other Ideas For Transitioning to the Role of Big Sis
In addition to Ava’s big sister books, we’re trying some other things to ease into welcoming little brother:
Baby brother “bought” Ava a present that he will give her when he arrives. I also want to pick out a small gift for Ava to give to baby as well.

We are in the process of setting up her “big girl” bedroom with special new sheets and a little reading nook. She loves her new bedroom, and although she’s not quite ready to spend the night in it yet, she likes playing and taking naps there.
We’re practicing baby care with her baby dolls: putting them to bed and feeding them their bottle are the most popular activities.
Most importantly, I’m trying to show Ava all the positives of a new baby, while also explaining that big changes are coming. And for better or worse, to confirm that we still love her just as much as ever and always will.
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