Gemini: May 21 – June 21
For those of you who have been blessed with Gemini children, hold on to your hat! You’re in for a ride with these curious, active, busy bees, who are always thinking and talking about whatever is on their mind. Mercury is their ruling planet, so they like engaging with people and mentally, are always ON – think Energizer Bunny. They have their quirky side, and might enjoy a mischievous prank or two!
Here are five children’s books that illustrate the typical characteristics of the sign, and are sure to appeal to your young Gemini.
Picture Books for Gemini Children
Curious George, by Margret and H.A. Rey
George is a monkey who is curious about everything. He loves to try new things, explore everything, and if some of his adventures require him to be rescued by his friend the Man in the Yellow Hat, why, that’s an adventure too! I recommend the original Classic Collection, but I found it fitting also that there is an endless variety of Curious George memorabilia in addition to the books. Maybe it was a Gemini who came up with ideas for clothes, plush ice cream trucks and tackle boxes, movies, armchairs, wall stickers, and party supplies, to name only a few.
Why, by Adam Rex, Illustrated by Claire Keane
Dr. X-Ray, the self-styled villain, and a little girl in a red dress battle for the world. Her only weapon is the question ”Why?” Over the course of the conversation, Dr. X-Ray examines his life and comes to the right conclusion – therapy in 30 pages. A little Gemini will appreciate the dynamic illustrations with lots of facial expressions, as well as the use of his favorite word, “Why?”
Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss
Your Gemini child likes to communicate, and she doesn’t readily stop talking, discussing, describing, and explaining. You can imagine then, an enthusiastic pusher of green eggs and ham, in every form and venue, wearing down her object until they (and we as parents) finally give in.
Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty, Illustrated by David Roberts
Ada Twist is endlessly, relentlessly curious, and she likes to question things, experiment, and discover facts, sometimes with “a trail of chaos left in her wake”. Her frazzled parents finally accept that they must help clear a path for her to learn and grow. David Roberts’s illustrations are as diverse as any little Gemini could think up. This book is part of the Questioneers
Collection by Beaty and Roberts.
A small Gemini may find it hard to slow down and let go of his thoughts enough to go to sleep, but this book might help him in proper Mercurial fashion. The soft sweet pictures examines thoughts, and then examines thoughts of thoughts. As he drifts off to sleep, he can take his dreams the answers to questions like, “What if you slept through your birthday?, or “What if everyone could hear you?”, or “What if no one could?” Expect to continue the discussion the next day.
For more astrological books for children, check out our Aries and Taurus posts!
And a small pat on the back to A Little Library for our 100th article published today! Thanks for reading, everyone 🙂
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