March 19th is SPRING! Brought to you by In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb by Newbery Honor Award winner Marion Dane Bauer, illustrated by Caldecott winner Emily Arnold McCully. With that mouthful of introduction, we expect a trumpeting parade of spring, and we are not disappointed.
In like a Lion Out Like a Lamb is illustrated in lively pen and ink and watercolor, moving from a stormy atmosphere in the beginning of the book when the spring lion appears, to brighter dancing colors when the spring lamb makes its way to center page.

One of my favorite things about this book is what it is not; a sugary sweet smorgasbord of baby birds and bunnies. The lion at the door pounces in mud strewn and sassy, predicting rain and the changes that come with the season. We don’t know what to expect from one day to the next. Then when he’s had his fun, he curls up in the grass and lets the lamb take over.

This spring lamb heralds her arrival with a mighty sneeze, seemingly blowing in with the pollen and accompanied by dainty ladybugs as well as an assortment of beetles and realistic buggy bugs. She holds court with attitude and is offered a crown of blossoms by a bird, while creatures peep out from the meadow’s hiding places. There are babies of all sorts, of course, along with flowers and sunshine. The humor is delightful throughout.

Read this book, it’s charming. The End
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