19 Charming Valentine’s Day Books for Babies

Valentine’s Day comes at just the right time of year, bringing light to the darkness of the long winter doldrums. V-Day is especially great for kids. Kids get to make fun arts and crafts and decorations and wear red and pink. I’m excited about Ava’s Valentine’s Day dress and what pink bow she’ll wear to school. 🎀 We’ve already bought Valentine’s cards for her teachers and school friends. Construction paper hearts are beginning to make their way home from daycare. And baby happily takes it all in from his rocker.

Baby boy doesn’t go to school so he misses out on some of the Valentine’s Day fun. To keep the magic and festive time going while at home, I have some baby books specifically for me and Will to read. Babies like shorter stories, and clear, bright pictures. They like books they can easily grasp and hold on to and touch. Grownups and babies like charming and heartfelt books. Here are some of the Valentine’s Day books for babies we’re enjoying right now!

valentine's day books for babies pinterest pin

Valentine’s Day Books for Babies

Babies Like Sturdy Books

Babies like sturdy books that they can grasp and hold in their chubby little hands. Teething babies like to put things in their mouth, something sturdy like a board book that won’t get wet and tear.

ollie's valentine, valentine's day books for babies
little miss valentine, valentine's day books for babies
huggy kissy, valentine's day books for babies

Babies LIke Bold contrast

Babies like clear and simple pictures with bold contrast. Infants younger than 3 months actually prefer black and white pictures. Their color perception is limited to black, white, and gray. High contrast black and white images are great because they stand out from the other blurry images in a baby’s world.

my first valentine's high contract baby book for newborns

Babies Like familiarity

Babies like familiarity. They like things they recognize, like your face or familiar characters. For example, if your baby loves Llama Llama, try getting him a Llama Llama Valentine’s Day book. He will be so happy to see a familiar and well-loved character. Same with a character like Mickey Mouse or Winnie the Pooh.

llama llama i love you children's board book
i love you this much, children's board book
love from the very hungry caterpillar, children's board book

Babies like to touch

dog with valentine's day books for babies

Babies like to touch. They enjoy exploring their world through touch. Touching is how they learn things. These touch and feel books are perfect for baby’s first Valentine’s Day books. We’ve had Baby Touch and Feel I Love You since Ava was a baby and it is VERY worn and chewed on (mostly by the dog, not the baby).

baby touch and feel i love you, valentine's day books for babies
where is baby's valentine
disney baby my first valentine's day, valentine's day book for babies
my fuzzy valentine, valentine's day books for babies

Babies Like Family Reading Time

toddler and baby reading valentine's day books for babies

One of our favorite things to do is reading together as a family. These Valentine’s Day books will hold the interest of your baby AND your toddler.

happy valentine's day mouse, children's book
love from the crayons, children's book
little blue truck's valentine, valentine's day books for babies
i'll love you till the cows come home children's book

Babies like to be told that they are loved

Here are my favorite Valentine’s Day baby books about love, because can you ever tell your baby you love them enough?

love, valentine's day book for babies
snuggle puppy by sandra boynton valentine's day books for babies
we love each other children's books about love by yusuke yonezu
love makes a family children's books about love

For more Valentine’s Day books for babies and small children, check out The Best Children’s Book Quotes About Love. Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!